Thursday, September 16, 2010

September Volunteer Opportunities

Saturday, September 18th: National AIDS Memorial Grove Clean-up

The San Francisco chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League has invited Nakayoshi to help clean up the National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park on Saturday, September 18th. Volunteering runs from 9am-Noon. Bring comfortable clothes that you can get dirty!

Please e-mail Haruka Roudebush directly if you are available to volunteer at

What: National AIDS Memorial Grove Annual Cleanup w/SF JACL
Location: Golden Gate Park , Intersection of Bowling Green and Middle Drive East, San Francisco, CA
Time: 9am-Noon
RSVP: E-mail Haruka Roudebush at

Saturday, September 25th: JCCCNC's Annual Fundraiser: Tabemasho!

Come on out for Nakayoshi's official volunteer event for Q3 2010! We'll be helping out once again at the JCCCNC's annual fundraising event with shifts from 3-8pm. More details will be posted soon, but save the date! For more details on the event, go to:

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