Hey everyone, sorry we've been a little late this month in sending out our update, but luckily, we're just getting started on our events for February! This month's main focus will be on the Bay Area Day of Remembrance on February 22nd as we join the rest of the community to pay our annual respects to the members of the Japanese American community who were incarcerated unjustly in internment camps during WWII. To end the month on a much lighter note, Nakayoshi will be renting out a cabin and hitting the slopes at Northstar at Tahoe for our first ski/snowboard trip! Make sure you guys RSVP for both events!
And just a reminder, we're always looking for new members to join us, so come on out if we haven't met you yet, or bring a friend!
In this update (new events in bold):2/13/09 - Volunteer Orientation for Bay Area Day of Remembrance
2/22/09 - Bay Area Day of Remembrance
2/27/09-3/1/09 - Weekend Ski/Snowboarding Trip and Monthly Meeting3/5/09 - SF Hep B Free Campaign "B a Hero!" DinnerFriday, February 13th, 2009: Volunteer Orientation for Bay Area Day of RemembranceA big thank you for those of you who have already stepped up to volunteer at Day of Remembrance on Feb. 22nd! For those of you who have signed up and anyone else who would also like to come out to help, the DoR Planning Committee is hosting an orientation and information session on Friday evening at 6:30 pm in the downstairs conference room at the JCCCNC in Japantown. Dinner will be provided to attendees. Let us know if you're coming!
When: Friday, February 13, 2009
Time: 6:30 to 8:00 pmLocation: Downstairs Conference Room at the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California (JCCCNC), 1840 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CASunday, February 22nd, 2009: Bay Area Day of Remembrance
This year marks the 30th year the Day of Remembrance has been observed in the Bay Area. The 2009 Bay Area Day of Remembrance, with the theme of "Carrying the Light for Justice," takes place in San Francisco on Sunday, February 22, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sundance Kabuki Theater, 1881 Post St. (between Fillmore and Webster), with a reception at the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California, 1840 Sutter St.
This year's program will include a keynote speech by US Congressman Mike Honda, a poetry reading by SF Poet Laureate Janice Mirikitani, a short film, presentation of the Clifford Uyeda Peace and Humanitarian Award, as well as a candle lighting ceremony and an interfaith procession. The event is sponsored by the Bay Area DOR Consortium (of which Nakayoshi is a participating organization) and funded in part by the San Francisco Japantown Foundation. A free reception at the JCCCNC will follow the program and procession.
Nakayoshi will also be selling tickets as well as volunteering at the event itself. Tickets are available through us for $10 in advance or $15 at the door. We may have complimentary tickets available for the first few Nakayoshi members and volunteers who request them, so let us know if you're going! If you'd like to purchase tickets or help out, let us know by e-mailing us at
For more information on the 2009 Bay Area Day of Remembrance, check out
dayofremembrance.org, or call 415-921-5007. We hope you can join us on February 22nd to pay our respects to the sacrifices of those before us and to the ongoing struggles of others.
When: Sunday, February 22, 2009Time: Noon-5pm for volunteers, Program runs from 2-4pm
Location: Sundance Kabuki Theater, 1881 Post St., San Francisco, CA
Price: $10 for advance ticket; $15 at the door
Friday-Sunday, February 27-March 1, 2009: Nakayoshi Ski Trip
This month's social event is an entire fun-filled weekend up in Tahoe with you and your fellow Nakayoshi members! For any skiiers and snowboarders out there, Nakayoshi has put together a ridiculously cheap weekend ski trip to Northstar at Tahoe. If a day out on the slopes followed by good food and cabin partying at night sounds good, you don't want to miss this trip! Be sure to bring your friends as well, but space is limited, so RSVP as soon as you can! RSVP deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 17. E-mail us at
nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com to reserve your spot!
For only $99, you get:
Carpool (volunteer drivers get an additional $20 off!)
One day Northstar lift ticket
2 nights cabin lodging
2 meals (dinner Saturday, breakfast Sunday)
Other options/additions include: Ski/board rentals - $35, 2nd day lift ticket - $79
When: Fri-Sun, Feb 27-Mar 1, 2009
Time: Leave Friday evening, return Sunday afternoon
Location: Northstar at Tahoe
Price: $99 (plus optional additions)February Monthly Meeting
Due to the scheduling of the Day of Remembrance on February 22nd and the Nakayoshi Ski Trip on the last weekend of the month, Nakayoshi's February meeting will be held during the Nakayoshi ski trip.
Upcoming Events in March
Save these dates! More March events and details coming soon!
3/5/09 - SF Hep B Free Campaign "B a Hero!" Dinner

Come enjoy a 9-course Chinese dinner followed by a raffle and karaoke contest as Nakayoshi supports the San Francisco Hep B Free campaign at their "B a Hero!" dinner event at the South Sea Seafood Village. The dinner runs from 6-9 pm and is $25 for Nakayoshi members who RSVP by 2/26/09. Hepatitis B is a very serious disease that affects the API community disproportionately. Fortunately, it is treatable. Come out to the dinner to find out what's being done in San Francisco to help prevent and educate the public about Hepatitis B. E-mail us at
nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com to RSVP.
Here are some quick facts on Hepatitis B and why you should come out and support this cause:
- API's have the highest risk of HBV of any ethnic group.
- San Francisco's API residents comprise 34% of the city's population and bear a disproportionate burden of liver cancer and undetected HBV infection.
- Hepatitis B is a serious disease responsible for 80% of all liver cancers among APIs.
- The city of San Francisco has the highest liver cancer rate in the nation.
- It is estimated that 1 in 10 people in the API community are infected.
- APIs are up to 100 times more likely to suffer from chronic HBV infection and 4 times more likely to die from liver cancer compared with the general population.
For more information on the SF Hep B Free campaign, go to: http://www.sfhepbfree.org/
When: Thursday, March 5, 2009 (RSVP by Thursday 2/26/09)
Where: South Sea Seafood Village, 1420 Irving Street (between 15th and 16th avenue), San Francisco, CA
Time: 6-9pm
Price: $25
All events are free and open to anyone unless otherwise noted. Feel free to forward this message along to your friends or anyone interested. Not on the Nakayoshi e-mail list? Click here to subscribe. Have questions? Want to sign up or RSVP for an event? E-mail Nakayoshi at: nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com. For additional information and updates, be sure to check the Nakayoshi blog at http://www.nakayoshi-jacl.blogspot.com/ or find us on Facebook! Nakayoshi is a program sponsored by the Northern California Western Nevada Pacific District of the Japanese American Citizens League.